£497.00 GBP

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Womb Wisdom Massage Practitioner

Professional certification program to become a Womb Wisdom Practitioner.

Need a payment plan? Go Here

This course is now an online self study program - there is a facebook group for support as you go through the course.

Womb wisdom combines the ancient art of Ayurveda, embracing the seasons and cycles of a woman's life with a marma point leg, back and abdominal-womb massage.   

*There is a full length professionally filmed video of the massage

Inspired from my many years of working with women for infertility and period problems.  This technique draws inspiration from the Mayan, Indian & Indonesian cultures.  I am honoured to pass this onto any woman who wants to learn it either for herself, or to be a practitioner serving others.  🙏🏻

No previous experience needed, just a passion for helping women heal.

My students say this course is so profoundly SELF HEALING that it is worth the investment alone just for them personally.

For FULL details go to https://www.lynndoak.com/wombwisdom

There is currently no live training sessions for this course, it is self study online.